Sauver ou périr (Through the Fire)
Sauver ou périr (Through the Fire)
2018 • • 1h 56min • DrameDrama
4.8/5 • 7.5 / 10 IMDb

Franck est Sapeur-Pompier de Paris. Il sauve des gens. Il vit dans la caserne avec sa femme qui accouche de jumelles. Il est heureux. Lors d'une intervention sur un incendie, il se sacrifie pour sauver ses hommes. A son réveil dans un centre de traitement des Grands Brûlés, il comprend que son visage a fondu dans les flammes. Il va devoir réapprendre à vivre, et accepter d'être sauvé à son tour. Franck is a firefighter in Paris. He saves people. He lives at the station with his wife, who is about to have twins. He’s happy. During a call out to a fire, be puts himself in danger, to save his men. He’s going to have to learn to live again and accept to be the one being saved, this time.

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5 Reviews
Reviewed by Agathe Jehdubo 5 / 5 2 years ago

Reviewed by Anita MURAT 4 / 5 2 years ago

Reviewed by Alex 10 5 / 5 2 years ago

Reviewed by Aurélie biraben 5 / 5 2 years ago

Reviewed by John Argent 5 / 5 1 year ago

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