Shortly after comic artist Adam responds to Internet trolls, he begins experiencing sleep paralysis. As he chronicles increasingly malevolent occurrences in a series of tweets, Adam begins to believe he is being haunted by the ghost of a dead child named David.
Augustus Prew
Andrea Bang
Justin Long
René Escobar Jr.
Cameron Nicoll
Jarrett Siddall
Rachel Wilson
David Tompa
Tricia Black
Sarah Swire
Aviva Mongillo
Ethan Hwang
Rachel Risen
Michael Ayres
Vickie Papavs
Deshay Padayachey
Augustus Prew
Andrea Bang
Justin Long
René Escobar Jr.
Cameron Nicoll
Jarrett Siddall
Rachel Wilson
David Tompa
Tricia Black
Sarah Swire
Aviva Mongillo
Ethan Hwang
Rachel Risen
Michael Ayres
Vickie Papavs
Deshay Padayachey
Augustus Prew
Andrea Bang
Justin Long
René Escobar Jr.
Cameron Nicoll
Jarrett Siddall
Rachel Wilson
David Tompa
Tricia Black
Sarah Swire
Aviva Mongillo
Ethan Hwang
Rachel Risen
Michael Ayres
Vickie Papavs
Deshay Padayachey
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